
Inclusiveness, professionalism and respect.



Adrien Toro

Head Coach / Founder
  • BsC Exercise Science – Health & Human Anatomy
  • Poliquin Periodisation & Program Design
  • CrossFit Level 1 & 2
  • Strength System

Adrien holds a wealth of knowledge about the human body functions. Over the last 10 years he has studied the work of Strength Coach Charles Poliquin, Olympic lifting, Crossfit, and Gymnastics. He believes that health and fitness is not just a physiological adaptation but also a psychological and one cant not work without the other. His passion is to teach and educate the community about his experiences with these modalities, as he believes they are the key to longevity. In his spare time Adrien enjoys skateboarding, surfing, golf and hanging with his mates.



  • Cert 3 & 4 in Fitness
  • CrossFit Level 1

From a young age, health and fitness has always been a priority for Charlotte. Growing up, she competed in high level dancing around Australia, as well as competing in athletics throughout most of her schooling. 

This passion transcended into her love of the gym. At the young age of 15; Charlotte took a particular interest in resistance training (weights), where she forged a solid base to pass on her learnings to others. These learnings lead to a career choice in personal training; where she has become a coach who prides herself on; encouraging, inspiring and motivating others to lead a more healthy lifestyle. 
Charlotte strives to improve her clients quality of life through the different modalities of training. She believes training has knock on benefits to both one’s mental and physical well-being.
When she is not in the gym, Charlotte can be found at the beach, camping or participating in competitive sports!


Conor McEleny

  • Crossfit 1
  • Certificate IV in fitness

From playing football through high school I developed an interest in coaching when given the opportunity to coach younger year groups. Whilst beginning crossfit at a similar time i then completed my cert 4 in fitness and began coaching crossfit and strength & conditioning from an early age.

Over the years of training, competing and coaching crossfit I have a wealth of knowledge that comes with strength training, endurance, gymnastics and overall fitness.

When it comes to coaching I pride myself on building relationships with clients to give them the best possible experience while training in my classes.

Outside coaching I train to one day compete at the crossfit games! Which takes up 90% of my time 😂

the rest goes to spending time with my partner, family and following Glasgow Celtic
